You Are Here Columbus

The blog of the social collective of Arawak City, Ohio.

07 May 2009

Sacre du Printemps, one that doesn't involve sacrificing virgins

I think Robert Frost or somebody wrote a poem about how a derive in springtime is always a magical experience. Maybe it was Walt Whitman? Anyway, I would recommend it, if you have the opportunity. Walking through alleys in Clintonville would be my suggestion. Maybe balance that out with a stroll down the railroad tracks next to I-71. It's a snapshot in time, but the psychogeographic contours of the city seem much more inviting than other times of year.

Ohio Union Activities Board at OSU Sponsoring Misogynist

Women’s Group (at OSU) Demands Cancellation of Rape-Promoter Tucker Max

Sexual Assault Awareness Month has barely come to a close, and already The Ohio State University is choosing to create a hostile environment for women, violating its own non-discrimination policy as well as state and federal law. On Monday, May 11th OSU will be sponsoring the rape-celebrating Tucker Max as a speaker, using OSU students’ dollars. [an example] From a Tucker Max story describing his several-week persistent coercion of a woman into anal sex, “I was going to **** her in the butt and film it without her consent.” Also, from his own website;

My name is Tucker Max, and I am an asshole. I get excessively drunk at inappropriate times, disregard social norms, indulge every whim, ignore the consequences of my actions, mock idiots and posers, sleep with more women than is safe or reasonable, and just generally act like a raging

At the same time The Ohio State University is paying for Tucker Max to come to campus, university officials are telling students that there is "no money" to set up a fund for OSU students who are raped/sexually assaulted. The fund would help cover the high costs of seeking medical attention after such an attack, which can cost survivors hundreds and even thousands of dollars before it's all said and done... So there is money for rape-promoters but not for women?


This blog serves as a transparent point of discourse for You Are Here--a Columbus collective that grew out of the Comparative Studies Undergraduate Group at the Ohio State University. It consists of people from all academic and social backgrounds with an emphasis on social theory. Most succinctly put, it is creative scholarship in affect--whether it be from academia, popular culture, art, language, or personal observation. The ideas expressed in this blog are by no means reached by consensus and do not necessarily reflect those of other members. The comments doubly so. Feel free to critique, question, or agree with any views expressed. You don't have to reside in or be familiar with the city of Columbus. As far as we're concerned, you are here.