Bits and Pieces: some rad feminist ladies in Columbus--personal friends and members of YAH. Check the blog link to the right for recent updates.
Take Back the Night: Organized by Womyn and Allies Rising in Resistance. TODAY. It is today. Go to the Wexner Center mall at 5pm.
Take Back The Night
Thursday, May 14th, 2009
An event to empower women and men to work toward ending violence against women.
Events at Take Back the Night
Clothesline Project: An opportunity for survivors of violence to create an expressive T-shirt. This project raises awareness of the extent and prevalence of sexual violence.
Speakers: Addressing issues involving sexual assault, violence against women, prevention, education and support for survivors and practical actions.
March: An opportunity for women to express their outrage and desire to feel safe from attack in their homes and on the streets.
Speak Out: An opportunity for people to speak out about the violence they have experienced in an open and welcoming environment (there will be counselors on site for those that wish to speak to one.)
Information: An opportunity to pick up information about the programs and organizations that assist women and men who have experienced violence along with prevention efforts.
Thursday, May 14th, 2009
An event to empower women and men to work toward ending violence against women.
Events at Take Back the Night
Clothesline Project: An opportunity for survivors of violence to create an expressive T-shirt. This project raises awareness of the extent and prevalence of sexual violence.
Speakers: Addressing issues involving sexual assault, violence against women, prevention, education and support for survivors and practical actions.
March: An opportunity for women to express their outrage and desire to feel safe from attack in their homes and on the streets.
Speak Out: An opportunity for people to speak out about the violence they have experienced in an open and welcoming environment (there will be counselors on site for those that wish to speak to one.)
Information: An opportunity to pick up information about the programs and organizations that assist women and men who have experienced violence along with prevention efforts.
Organize CBus Collective: Insanely awesome conference on racism happening this Saturday in Mendenhall on campus from 9am-7pm. Go go go! Blog link to the right gives the workshop schedule and information about ride-sharing and free childcare, etc. No excuses!
Confronting Racism: Building United Movements Ohio Conference
May 16th
Mendenhall Laboratory - Ohio State University
9am - 7pm
Confronting Racism: Building United Movements will take place on Saturday, May 16th 2009 at The Ohio State University. We would like to thank Catalyst Project, LeftTurn Magazine, SOUL, Colors of Resistance, organizers at the BASTARD conference, and many others for providing us inspiration in both language and in concept for this conference.
Its our goal that Confronting Racism: Building United Movements will be an organizing space for students and community members throughout Ohio, especially women, people of color, queer, and working-class people, to develop the skills and the vision they need to struggle for a collective liberation against corporate power and institutional oppression. To these ends, Confronting Racism: Building United Movements will provide both structured workshops and more open-space-style discussion spaces that will develop participants’ basic organizing skills and deepen their political analysis and visions toward fundamental social change. The Open Space discussions’ goal is to provide a place for structured conversations on specific topics without requiring a talking head to lead the conversation.. We are excited to see what comes out of these free-form sessions!
The Theme
The theme for the Confronting Racism: Building United Movements conference will be “Connecting the dots: racism and issues of global capitalism.” We envision a conference with workshops and action-oriented discussions exposing the interconnectedness of racism with issues of global capitalism affecting us locally such as;
• affordable housing • employment justice
• access to healthcare • public transportation
• immigration • environmental and food justice
• police brutality and prison abolition • physical and sexual violence
• queer & trans liberation • indigenous solidarity
• militarism, and more.
This is an opportunity to examine our common ground within seemingly separate issues and develop a unified voice of resistance against global capitalism and imperialism as we continue building a collective liberation movement in Ohio. We are committed to building an anti-racist, anti-imperialist, multiracial, feminist, queer and trans liberationist, anti-authoritarian movement against global capitalism and promoting the understanding that there are multiple valid approaches to doing this work. Please come and let us hear your voice.
TO RSVP: send us an email at
May 16th
Mendenhall Laboratory - Ohio State University
9am - 7pm
Confronting Racism: Building United Movements will take place on Saturday, May 16th 2009 at The Ohio State University. We would like to thank Catalyst Project, LeftTurn Magazine, SOUL, Colors of Resistance, organizers at the BASTARD conference, and many others for providing us inspiration in both language and in concept for this conference.
Its our goal that Confronting Racism: Building United Movements will be an organizing space for students and community members throughout Ohio, especially women, people of color, queer, and working-class people, to develop the skills and the vision they need to struggle for a collective liberation against corporate power and institutional oppression. To these ends, Confronting Racism: Building United Movements will provide both structured workshops and more open-space-style discussion spaces that will develop participants’ basic organizing skills and deepen their political analysis and visions toward fundamental social change. The Open Space discussions’ goal is to provide a place for structured conversations on specific topics without requiring a talking head to lead the conversation.. We are excited to see what comes out of these free-form sessions!
The Theme
The theme for the Confronting Racism: Building United Movements conference will be “Connecting the dots: racism and issues of global capitalism.” We envision a conference with workshops and action-oriented discussions exposing the interconnectedness of racism with issues of global capitalism affecting us locally such as;
• affordable housing • employment justice
• access to healthcare • public transportation
• immigration • environmental and food justice
• police brutality and prison abolition • physical and sexual violence
• queer & trans liberation • indigenous solidarity
• militarism, and more.
This is an opportunity to examine our common ground within seemingly separate issues and develop a unified voice of resistance against global capitalism and imperialism as we continue building a collective liberation movement in Ohio. We are committed to building an anti-racist, anti-imperialist, multiracial, feminist, queer and trans liberationist, anti-authoritarian movement against global capitalism and promoting the understanding that there are multiple valid approaches to doing this work. Please come and let us hear your voice.
TO RSVP: send us an email at
In addition, check out the write-up on the OUAB protest from Monday and Tuesday in The Other Paper: Maxed Out by Kitty McConnell