You Are Here Columbus

The blog of the social collective of Arawak City, Ohio.

12 May 2009

Shut it Down - No Rapist in Our Town


The Lantern


Some Bro's Low-Quality Video on Youtube

It could have gone better. It could have gone worse. But we think OUAB got the message. Keep a lookout for anti-misogynist superstars Joseph Shaw, Stephanie Diebold, Brett Zehner, Martin Kellogg, Mary Griffith, and Aaron Rothey. The spectacularist media loves them. Nice work, y'all.

1 comment:

  1. love wakin up to this.

    this not so much:
    -(from nbc article comment board)
    Posted by ( destrekor ) on May 11, 2009 at 6:38 pm

    Of course, the hardcore feminists place all the blame on males, as though males were only exploiting females, and referring to it as rape.

    It is not rape if the female puts herself out there, and they are equally exploiting the situation. There may be a fine line, but when the ladies throw themselves out there, the men cannot be the sole individuals receiving blame.

    Don’t binge and drink to excess if you think you’ll lose control of yourself - otherwise no one is to blame unless someone sober forces the situation."

    end fucking quote. I posted a response, but it hasn't appeared, yet. I didn't realize that it was still 'cool and reasonable' to talk this way.



This blog serves as a transparent point of discourse for You Are Here--a Columbus collective that grew out of the Comparative Studies Undergraduate Group at the Ohio State University. It consists of people from all academic and social backgrounds with an emphasis on social theory. Most succinctly put, it is creative scholarship in affect--whether it be from academia, popular culture, art, language, or personal observation. The ideas expressed in this blog are by no means reached by consensus and do not necessarily reflect those of other members. The comments doubly so. Feel free to critique, question, or agree with any views expressed. You don't have to reside in or be familiar with the city of Columbus. As far as we're concerned, you are here.